Previous    1999

It is 1999. Tracy is a 34 year-old single mother of four children, a full-time college student and part-time paralegal.

Tracy has spent the last seven years trying to save her son from the same demons that almost destroyed her.

She knows the moment has come for her to take the action she's been thinking about for years -- an action she hopes will change the course of her family's life.

She is driving her 12 year-old son, James, to Faxon, Oklahoma, to put him in an alternative program for troubled kids.

Knowing that her son has "skated" through every program he's been in for the past 6 years, she is anxious for him to be in VisionQuest, under the eye of Bob Burton, the program's founder.

James is full of rage and Tracy is well aware that she can't handle James at home anymore.

She's desperate to help him before his rage leads him right into the juvenile justice system, sentenced to a lock-up facility. She knows that if that happens, she will not be able to fight it.