Previous    Taste of Success   

Bob wants James to have a taste of success that he's created for himself, the same way Tracy did 20 years earlier.

"You need to taste the success that you created, not that somebody else around you created."

"The first time I climbed it, I was scared," realizes James. "I couldn't really, really do it. But this time I felt just like, you know, I can do it, it's no problem."

James' attitude is good, since being with his father, his grades are up and he's getting stronger and more confident.

But, after 30 days James has to face the unavoidable reality that his father never called and never wrote.

The disappointment wears on James as he continues on a wagon train.

His anger has taken over again as a way to cover his sadness.

Tracy has hung in there against all the odds and her months of hard work have paid off. She has persuaded the City of Denver to bring VisionQuest back to Colorado with an aftercare program. It is a proud moment for her.