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Audience Reactions To " If I Could"

In your own words, what would you say is the overall message of the film?

Despite terrible damage & loss, children and adults can regain their power and honor and the ability to make and keep commitments. The cycle of abuse in families is devastating, but children know when they are worth fighting for in every way.

Families with great effort can break the cycle, but not without a lot of support and going through a lot of pain. (Therapist)

Above everything, tenacity wins and means no eject/ no reject. Bravo! to all the people who never give up! (Policy Director)


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Was there anything you particularly liked about the film?

Abuse, violence, generation after generation is so very common and so very devastating. (Mental Health Consultant)

The overall message would be to take action. This was a great presentation of a tough issue. (parent)

That children need persistent and caring adults to give them the emotional support to grow. (Attorney)

Treat the whole family if possible and help them to help each other. (Psychiatrist)


  • It's honesty, its emphasis on individuals and the system.
  • Sharp reality, the close-up view.
  • The intense personal moments of recognition or denial.
  • The reality of it.
  • The patience Tracy had. She hung in there and became a very strong force for herself, her family and in her soul.
  • It's honesty comes through in big ways!
  • The clear depiction of intergenerational trauma.
  • The power of a positive adult role model.
  • The unvarnished truth.
  • It's attempt to educate about the cycle of violence and its impact on families and children.
  • The raw emotion was immensely compelling. It helped us experience the love, the hate, the hurt and the hope. If this doesn't put a fire in the belly of America...we'll try again. We'll never give up!