Previous    Tracy's History

Showing James a film of her as a teenager in an attempt to bridge his problems to her past, Tracy is nervous.

James learns of his mother's battles with sexual abuse, drugs and her life on the streets as a "throw-away" kid.

Tracy explains her own sexual abuse at the hands of her father.


"Her father manipulated her into prostitution," Bob explains to James. "He told me that we needed money," says Tracy.

The revelations about his family gnaw at James as he rides with the Buffalo Soldiers and tries to deal with the challenges of his life.

Back in Denver, Tracy continues to fight to get VisionQuest into Colorado so James can have care when he gets home.

"I'm no different than most single parents who need the community's support when their kid comes home from placement."

A visit by Tracy's father changes the course of things.

With mixed emotions, Tracy greets her father, who she's only seen only once in the last seventeen years.