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More Audience Comments On "If I Could"

What would you say about this film to a friend, family member or colleague if you asked them to watch it?

What affected you the most? Would you like to say anything else about the film?

That it is a wake up call about why children end up in prison. (prison minister)

If I Could is a raging, throbbing, penetrating film with no easy answers. It is an incredible journey that unleashes more emotions the deeper it gets. Pain sears through it. There is no Hollywood storybook ending. In fact, there really is no ending. The end hasn't been written yet.

This is a visionary documentary that helps you develop new perspectives on the impact of mental health in the family. (School of Psychiatry)

Watch this and think about what you are doing to remedy the problem.

Great parenting education tool.

You will see a graphic display of the cycle of abuse in the family and the trauma of sexual abuse and psychological and physical abandonment.

A phenomenal look at the brokeness we pass on, it tells a powerful story.

I suddenly felt tears running down my cheeks. I felt despair and overwhelming obstacles. I didn't know if I could keep watching. But I felt the strength of Tracy, the street wisdom of Bob, the tender optimism of Holly, and the mixed up resolve of James. They combined to make hope into something real.

Tracy's strength and fortitude and love for her kids. Bob's sensitivity and tenacity and compassion and the innocence of Tracy's child.

Watching Holly.

I'm always most affected by the scene in which Tracy confronts her father with his sexual abuse, drug use and his inviting friends ot have sex with her. I will never forget the look in James' eyes where he is in pain for his mother.

I realized that it is an intergenerational problem.

Seeing Bob and Tracy in person moved me beyond words.

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